Electrical automation technology

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2023-04-13Number of views:1123

Training objectives:This major cultivates strong ideals and convictions,All-round development of morality, intelligence, physical beauty and labor,Have good professional ethics, humanistic quality, innovation consciousness and craftsman spirit,Certain level of science and technology,Strong comprehensive quality, action ability and sustainable development ability;Master the professional knowledge and technical skills,For general equipment manufacturing, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing electrical engineering technicians, automatic control engineering technicians and other professional groups,Capable of engaging in electrical equipment and automatic control system production, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance, marketing and other work of high-quality technical skills。

Professional Core Courses:Motor and electrical control technology;Application technology of programmable controller;Plant power supply and distribution technology;Control system application;Process control technology;Industrial robot operation and maintenance;Power electronic technology;Industrial control configuration and fieldbus technology。Practical teaching links mainly include on-the-job practice, practical training, graduation project (thesis)。

Career Orientation:

Major category


Professional category





Major occupational categories


Main job category (or technical field)

Examples of vocational qualification certificates or skill level certificates

Equipment manufacturing category


Automation class


General equipment manufacturing(34)

Electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing(38)

Electrical engineering technician(2-02-11)

Automatic control engineering technician(2-02-07-07)

Electrical equipment studentProduction, installation, adjustmentTry with maintenance automaticallyControl system studentProduction, installation and technologyTechnical modification of electrical equipmentPreparation, automatic productionProduct marketing and technology服务

Electrician vocational skill level certificate

Following major:

Continued undergraduate major: Electrical Engineering and automation, intelligent manufacturing engineering technology

Examples of areas in which professional master's degrees are awarded: Electrical engineering, control engineering

Examples of secondary disciplines following the master's degree: Control theory and control Engineering, electric motors and appliances, Power systems and their automation, power electronics and power transmission, Systems engineering

Skills Competition:

Social Services: